This last week has been the most stressful one I have had in a long time.  For the past several weeks, I had a decent streak of not giving into overeating.  However, this past week, I had to remind myself to stop eating, because food does not relieve my stress.  I admit, I did give in to stress eating a few times this week.  The positive is that I immediately caught myself and stopped eating. On my own, there is no way I could stop eating excess food, especially when I am under stress.  God has taught me that eating does nothing to help my situation.  Psalm 119:102Read More →

Last week, I was surrounded by food at work.  Before, when food I enjoyed was available, I would take advantage and excessively fill up.  Now that my eyes are focused on God, I only eat food my body needs.  Although I ate more unhealthy than healthy foods the past week, I did not overeat.  I can no longer eat even one extra bite of food once my body is full.  As long as I keep my eyes focused on God, He gives me strength I need to pass up extra food. 2 Corinthians 4:18 is, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but onRead More →

I want to do everything that pleases the Lord.  I know overeating is detestable to Him, so I try to only eat food my body needs.  Unfortunately, I am human and fail many times.  After failing, I used to either continue doing the wrong thing or get overwhelmed by guilt.  I am learning to stop and immediately ask God for forgiveness.  This keeps a mistake from turning into a trip down the wrong path. Hebrews 8:12 is, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more”. (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011). God forgives my wrongdoing, no longer holding it against me.  I amRead More →

In the past, I kept busy to avoid overeating.  Always doing stuff kept me from thinking about food, but did nothing to draw me closer to God.  I used busyness to fill empty spaces only God should fill.  Many old “diet tips” temporarily stopped my overeating, but did not address reasons behind why I ate too much.  It may be because I was tired, bored or stressed.  Ultimately, I overeat to fill needs only God can provide. Keeping busy eventually makes me tired so I need rest.  Matthew 11:28 is, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”Read More →

A little bit of sloppy eating turns into a struggle to get back on track.  Since I am aware of my triggers, I am careful when I am sick and during celebrations.  After this passes, my defenses go down and I find myself slipping. God nudges me so I stop eating and focus back on Him. I have tracked my eating for the month of January.  I started off sloppy even though I had a great December.  I got back on track, then got sick, but continued my streak of not overeating.   This week, I ate too much even though I had no “excuse”.  DuringRead More →

Without God in my life, I am powerless over food.  I have tried for many years to eat healthy on my own and failed miserably.  Trying to diet and avoid fattening food only made me feel guilty that I could not control my food intake.  Little by little, I have surrendered my food issues over to God.  I took forever to realize I don’t have to do it alone.  I can trust in God, rest in Him, and lean on Him for strength to quit overeating for good. Colossians 2:13 is, “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cutRead More →

Christmas is the time of giving and doing things for others. For some people, Christmas is about receiving presents.  In my younger years, I looked forward to getting stuff and went to after Christmas sales to buy what I did not get.  Back then, I was not satisfied, so I had to buy more stuff.  Greed prevented me from being satisfied. Luke 12:15 is “…Beware!  Guard against every kind of greed.  Life is not measured by how much you own.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  God created me with spiritual emptiness only He can fill.  Over the years, I have tried satisfy thisRead More →

For too long, I have turned to food for comfort.  I ate to stuff down my stress, anxiety, and fatigue.  After my plate was clean, I still felt pain, and continued to eat.  My stomach was stuffed to the point of discomfort, but my feelings still hurt. In addition to the stresses I tried to eat away, I had guilt reminding me I slipped again. Instead of food, God can actually comfort me.  Psalm 10:17 is, “Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless.  Surely, you will hear their cries and comfort them.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  Food can never comfort me likeRead More →

In the past, I was afraid to get hungry.  I snacked in between meals to avoid hunger.  When I dieted, I grazed on “free” foods throughout the day. Once God showed me that I could wait until my body was hungry to eat, I learned hunger was not as painful as I had thought.  He showed me when I depend on Him, He gives me strength. God recently showed me I had been eating more food than my body needs.  Through prayer, I realized it was partly stress eating.  However, most of my problem was that I was afraid to be hungry.  I had to remember GodRead More →

Sometimes I get an urge to cram as much food as I can in my body.  As this urge goes on, I tell myself I need “just one more”.  It is never enough. This compulsion to stuff food down my body drives me to continue eating, even after my stomach is stuffed.   This compulsion usually comes with a nagging feeling that something is wrong; I am stressed, tired, or worried.  No amount of food can soothe these feelings.  This is a mask for emptiness that only God can fill. I  need to stuff God in my heart when I have the compulsive feeling to stuffRead More →