It is mid December and my Christmas decor is still in boxes. We are remodeling and I waited until our tv wiring was completed. I usually have everything decorated immediately after Thanksgiving and think I am the only one without Christmas festivities up. My perfectionist self is struggling. I love Christmas and have listened to carols since the week after Halloween. All this work of getting my house ready for the season does nothing to prepare my heart to meet Jesus.
Luke 10:38-42 tells the story of Jesus’ visit with 2 sisters. Verse 41-42 is, “But the Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about…’”
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2015
If my focus is on decorating, I overlook the reason for this glorious holiday. The one thing I need to be concerned about is that Jesus came into this world. All the stress I create over making the perfect Christmas will never bring me closer to Him. Instead of fretting that I don’t look ready for Christmas, I need to keep my heart open to Jesus. He is the reason I can celebrate every day.
Note: The Christmas tree in the picture is from last year.