Continuing to eat only the food my body needs has been my greatest challenge.  In the past, I found excuses to overeat.  Once I slip, it is easy to keep eating excess food.  I also erroneously think I can start over tomorrow, or even next Monday.  Over time, God has helped me eat less food.  I can tell when I am full and stop eating.  Before, I ate until my stomach was physically bloated, stretching out over my pants. Psalm 119:105 is, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  God hasRead More →

Usually once I start seeing progress, I celebrate by eating more food than my body needs.  Since no foods are ever off limits for me, I don’t have a “cheat meal”.  Instead, I stuff more food in my body.  Sometimes I “think” I am hungry so I can eat more food.   Or I decide to continue eating after I am full.  This self sabotage keeps me on my weight on a “yo-yo” cycle. I self destruct because I have taken my eyes off of God.  Psalm 63:5 is, “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.”Read More →

Jesus had to endure a brutal death to pay the price for all sin.  He bore the punishment for all of my wrongs, including gluttony, and love of food.  Because He rose up from the grave, I am free to live.  Psalm 51:1-2 is, “Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love.  Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.  Wash me clean from my guilt.  Purify me from my sin.  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  On this Easter, I am grateful that my sin has been taken away.  I have been washed from my past sins andRead More →

I don’t want to surrender everything in my life to God.  I need my “me” time to relax and recharge.  It hard for me to join a new bible study or spend more time in God’s word. This has been one busy week where I can think of many other things to do, including rest, instead of writing this post. My stubbornness in surrendering is not limited to time. I also am tempted to hold on to money, possessions, and even my food intake. During Lent, I normally focus on Bible readings about Easter and sacrifice. My current devotions are about surrendering everything to God andRead More →

I don’t follow a specific diet or meal plan.  This allows me to enjoy my favorite foods without guilt.  I never was able to lose weight following a diet or restricted food plan.  I did eliminate processed sugar and high fat foods for 5 years, but started bingeing on rice cakes and other diet foods.  Food had always been my comforter for hurt feelings and celebration for successes.  I am learning that food is to nourish my body and not the answer to all of my problems. It has taken me a long time to slowly identify and remove all the damaging old habits from my mindset.  I wouldRead More →

Deep down, I know God can be trusted in all areas of my life.  He continues to show me what I need to improve on and gives me the strength to do this.  However, when I get weary or things get tough, I am tempted to give up and lose faith.  It seems I will never lose these last 15 pounds.  After a week of eating fairly good, I look for weight loss, but still feel the same.  Deep down, I know it will take consistency to get rid of these last few pounds.  Instead of giving up, I am motivated to run to God. PsalmRead More →

Old messages like “you deserve to eat after a tough day” and “you can enjoy and overdo it just this once” get me in trouble.  Last week,  I discovered I was unable to relax and unwind without reaching for food.  I felt the need to snack to enjoy my well-deserved day of rest. This is proof I need to get rid of all old messages and habits that lead me to overeat. I am peeling away layers and understanding reasons behind why I choose to slip.  Every time I put excess food in my mouth, or eat when I am not hungry, I am choosing to disobey God.  Today,Read More →

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”  Slogans and saying like this never helped me stick to a food plan.  I ate all the time, whether I was hungry or not. When I was on a restricted diet, I binged on low-calorie and “free” foods.  After I started gaining weight back while still following a no sugar/low-fat food plan, I gave up and ate what I wanted. I decided I had no self-control and was doomed to stay fat forever. I ate all the time to fill a need only God could provide.  I used food to fill my need for spiritual refreshment. Psalm 119:103 is, “HowRead More →

Deep down, I still desire to binge eat cookies and chips. For the past three months, my eating has been consistent, where I have fewer slips. I overeat not because I am tired or stressed.  I have a deep desire to overeat that will not go away.  Instead of removing it, God gives me His strength to draw on. As long as I keep my eyes focused on Him, I will stay on track. God wants me to lean on His strength instead of my own.  2 Corinthians 12:9 is, “…’My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.’  So now IRead More →

2106 was a great year for me.  Not only have I have grown closer to God than ever before, but I have gone almost a month without overeating.  Instead of reaching for food when my normal triggers hit, I turned to Him for strength.  Something amazing has happened;  I hate the effects of overeating.  Last week I did eat a few bites beyond full and felt miserable.  This helped me to get back on track the next day.  I admit, my food choices have not been the healthiest, but I am only eating amounts my body needs.  After eating small amounts of sweets, I don’t wantRead More →