Sometimes I feel as if the world is against me and my struggle to eat just what my body needs.  I am stressed, so my natural response is to grab food.  Someone brings cookies to share at lunch or donuts to enjoy in the morning.  My busy schedule makes it hard to plan healthy meals.  When I am down, I feel like giving up. Food was once my answer to every problem.  I am on a journey of replacing this reliance on food to dependence on God alone. I realize there is an enemy likes my dependence on food. Food prevents me from reaching out to GodRead More →

I stuff food in my mouth for comfort when I face impossible situations.  I think the enemy highlights difficulties in my life so I lose focus on God.  I plan, plot how to deal with a problem instead of praying for it. Before long, I am in turmoil, stressed about the worst possible outcome.  I decide what my worst case options will be.  Then I waste time planning things that never come to pass.  I drive myself into emotional frenzy, and dive into food for comfort. Being a Christian does not guarantee an easy, trouble free life. 1 Peter 4:1 is, “So then, since Christ suffered physicalRead More →

I think my brain is wired to seek food, even when I am not hungry. I wake up in the morning and immediately think about what I will eat. Since I am not much of a breakfast eater, I start thinking of other meals. As the day goes on, I am tempted to snack to ease stress and to celebrate successes with food. To end my attraction to food, I must focus on God. I think God knew what he was doing when he created me. We were all created with an empty hole only He can fill. Food has been my drug, security blanket,Read More →

I got bored last week. I was feeling sick, had the beginnings of a sinus/head cold and just wanted to rest. While resting, I ended watching TV and surfing social media sites. Unfortunately, I eat when I am bored and I also eat while watching TV. I should have opened my bible to fill this emptiness instead of doing my old habits. I am a busy person, and usually barely have time to sit and relax in the evening before I fall asleep. I sometimes complain that I have no time to read my bible or pray. Yet, I waste a lot of time inRead More →

My faith word is surrender for 2016. Faith words like “surrender” and “submit” are difficult for me.   I like being in control of everything in my life, including my food intake.  I want to eat when I want to, regardless of whether I am hungry or not.  I want to eat sweets after each meal, even if I am full.  Surrender also includes letting go of emotions instead of hanging on hurt feelings.  Surrender is giving up control and choosing to follow God. James 4:8 is, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purifyRead More →

My problems, issues, and concerns, beg for attention. As I dwell on a small concern, it grows into an major problem. I drive myself into frenzy, wanting to control circumstances out of my hands. My mind wraps around the issue, blocking out other thoughts, including prayers. Focusing on God gives my mind a break from problems. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 is, “For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather we fix our gaze on things thatRead More →

My thoughts control what I eat. I love to search the internet and social media sites for entertainment. Everywhere I surf has pictures and recipes of delicious looking food. My bored mind can look at food and believe I am starving. I love searching Pinterest instead of digging through cookbooks. I have learned if I look at Pinterest food boards for fun, I will think about food later. When I think about food, I end up overeating. I can stop this cycle by focusing on God since he helps my wandering mind stay away from sin. James 1:14-15 is, “Temptation comes from our own desires, whichRead More →

I think other people have things easier than I do. Sometimes I dwell on a minor issue, that I got stuck with the dirty job again. I look at someone else, think they always get what they want and never have to work as hard as I do. I indulge in self-righteous anger and bitterness since this is not fair. Instead of feeling better, I now feel worse. Before, I might have felt like I deserved a cookie for being slighted; now I devour an entire box of cookies. I don’t like the way I feel after indulging in negative emotions. Romans 6:12 is ,Read More →

Difficulties beat down my mood.  Thinking about these problems stresses me out and stress leads to overeating.  After a long dry summer, excessive rains are falling.  Our roof started leaking.  The check engine light warning light is on in my over 10 year old minivan that I don’t want to spend money on.  “So woe is me, woe is me, I need to eat” is my temptation of the day. Before, I used any excuse to overeat.  Now I realize that life is stressful and tough times exist.  2 Corinthians 4:8-9 is, “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed.Read More →

I have difficulty forgiving others when the hurt is painful.  It is hard to let go of my pride and admit I am wrong. I like hanging on to hurt feelings so I can throw a pity party. The pain from past situations has faded over the years and I can’t believe some things bothered me.  I feel sometimes as if I have mastered to act of forgiveness, and then someone offends me again.  I let the pride over “how can they be that dumb to do this” and hurt over “how can they be this mean” come into my brain.  Once the emotions getRead More →