I like working out, enjoy Zumba and other fitness classes. I have also ran/walked a few 5K races. Fitness has not helped me lose weight permanently. Many times, I overate after an intense workout and continued eating into the next day. Since starting this blog about six months ago, I have lost 7 pounds. God centered eating and accountability is taking my excess weight off, but I need to get moving.
I have not worked out consistently in the six months of writing this blog. I blame lack of time, since I also work full time. Add taking care of a family, and my personal time is limited. I need fitness, not only for weight loss reasons, but for my health. One month ago, I was out of breath from walking distances I had walked in the past with no problem. Working out also relieves stress and allows me to keep up with my busy lifestyle.
Just a God helps me to follow a healthy food plan without effort; He also guides me in my exercise plans. On days when I am lazy and feel like sitting in front of the TV, He nudges me to the gym. When I am exhausted and my overworked muscles need a rest, He encourages me to take it easy and do a short walk. He reminds me when I am sick or coming down with an infection to skip the workout. Working out can become an obsession for me when the workout becomes more important than anything else.
Since God is now in charge of my fitness routine, working out is no longer an excuse for overeating. Psalm 62:8 is “Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.” (Holy Bible, New King James Version, 1982). God can be trusted in everything, including my fitness and food routines.