Trust keeps me Going

Trust keeps me Going

I trust in God in all situations and problems.  He never fails and guides me through my darkest trial.  Food can never help me find answers or guidance; it temporarily helps me feel better.  Recently, I gave in to stress and turned to food.  After all this time, I should know better.  I felt bloated and emotionally spent for slipping again. I realized my misplaced trust needed to be shifted back to God.

Proverbs 3:5 is, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;”  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  When I trust my own strength,   I become an emotional mess.  My understanding gets me off track.  Only God gives me the strength and wisdom to navigate life’s stresses.  I must focus my heart on Him daily to keep doing the right thing.

Once I slip, I cannot get out without God’s help.  He reaches out, then I grab on so He can pull me to safety.  I don’t have to know all the answers or how a situation will turn out.  He has never let me down and knows what is best for me.  I trust and follow God to help me walk through any situation.

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