Time Management

Time Management

After suffering from slow and unreliable online service for years, we finally jumped into the fast lane of high speed internet.  Naturally, I have been exploring entertaining sites and actually doing work at home. Unfortunately, I have discovered the addictive nature of binge watching TV shows.  I must watch another episode to see what happens next.  Watching TV helps me unwind when I am exhausted from doing too much.  I know there is a time to relax and be entertained, but I was getting bored after watching several episodes from a series.  This boredom is a sign I need to get off the couch and do something else.

1 Corinthians 10:31 is, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007).  I need to spend my time glorifying God.  Some of the shows I watch feature humor at the expense of others or inappropriate language.  Does it help me to spend my days viewing questionable shows?  I have wasted afternoons binge watching and later regret not checking something off my to-do list.

I need to remember there is a time for everything, even entertainment and relaxing.  Just like I need to balance food intake, I need to balance my time.  This way, I finish what I need to get done so I can enjoy our new internet service.  Balance helps me glorify God in all I do.

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