Temptations: Not Today

Temptations: Not Today

February is a depressing month with cold, dreary days.  My flesh desires to stay in bed and eat instead of enjoying life.  God has taken away my desire to overeat, but I am still weak and face struggles.  I know food does nothing to help my blah moods and only makes things worse.  So, I fight temptation with God’s Word.

Psalm 119:11 is, “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  My heart is more sensitive to sin as God has changed me.  Since I no longer want excess food, I feel guilty after a few extra bites. Deep down, I know overeating is wrong.  God gives me the self control to stop eating once I realize I am overindulging.  I want to please God in all I say and do.  I desire to only eat food my body needs for nutrition.

I am not perfect.  I occasionally mess up.  In the past, I was unable to stop once I started binge eating.  I used this excuse to continue overeating down a slippery path of gluttony.   I promised myself I would start over tomorrow and never slip again.  This thinking kept me overweight and in bondage to food.  God shows me I when need to quit eating and gives me the strength to walk away from food.  Temptations will always haunt me.  With God’s help, I can overcome and break free from overeating.

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