Staying on Course

Staying on Course

Eating less food and making better choices is becoming a habit. I am even starting to lose weight.  Then it hits:  I am exhausted and feel surrounded by stress.  I am on edge and want something ease my pain. Out of habit, I grab food to make it better.

The difference is instead of blindly reaching for food, I now am aware of why I want to stuff my body with food.  One evening this past week, I was feeling stressed by uncertainty.  Needing make a decision, but not knowing all the details stressed me.  Instead of praying, I ate candy. After one bite, I caught myself and stopped to pray.  Before, I would have eaten until I was stuffed and then felt miserable for slipping.  Philippians 3:12 is, “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.” (Holy Bible, English Standard Version, 2016).  I am much better that I was, but will never be perfect.  Instead, I will continue to draw closer to God, becoming closer to “perfect”.

I do realize the importance of being “prayed up” and staying in God’s Word.  A week ago, I was consistent with morning devotions and spending time with God.  Towards the end of the week I got busy and overslept. I spent less time on my daily bible reading these few days. I am grateful that I noticed something missing.  I believe this is because I have grown closer to Him. I praise God for taking me as far as he has.  I look forward to growing closer to Him as I press on in this life.

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