Saving room for Dessert

Saving room for Dessert

I love candy, cookies, pies, and gooey desserts. In the past, I could not stop at just one.  Instead,, I continued eating until the bag was empty.  Since sweets were to blame for my overeating, I eliminated sugar and fat from my diet for 5 years.  After depriving myself of sweets, I found healthy substitutes for foods I once enjoyed.  These alternatives did not satisfy me.  I once devoured an entire diet cheesecake in one sitting.

One day God showed me I could learn to enjoy sugary foods in moderation.  I enjoyed what I had missed for 5 long years.  Psalm 24:13 is, “Do you like honey? Don’t eat too much, or it will make you sick! ( Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007). The words “too much” help me find moderation.  I never noticed the sugar rush I got from inhaling a king sized candy bar.  Now, I feel a sugar high coming after eating several bites of candy.  As God has changed me, I crave less food overall.  I am satisfied with a few bites of dessert.

My challenge is to save room if I want something sweet after my meal.  For so long, I felt I deserved dessert, so I stuffed a few cookies or pieces of candy in my mouth after each meal.  I have learned it is stuffing any excess food in my stomach that keeps me overweight.  God helps me to stop eating before I am full so I can enjoy my dessert.

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