Saved from Guilt

Saved from Guilt

I am reading the Easter story and meditating on what Jesus has saved me from.  He died to pay for my sins so I can live. Before, I felt guilty for my past mistakes.  This guilt beat me down.  I felt hopeless, like I was a failure that should give up.

Luke 24:5-6 is, “…Jesus said, “It is finished.”  With that, he bowed and gave up his spirit.”  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  Jesus was the final sacrifice for all sin.  I live free from guilt because Jesus died for me.  His forgiveness wipes away my sin.  He gives me strength to clean up messes that my sin left behind.

This sacrifice also changes me so I want to leave sin behind.  He gives me the strength to step away from excess food.  Temptations still distract me, but I can lean on God for strength.  I am free from food, My sin, guilt and desires for food are all gone.   Jesus has freed me from food.



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