My faith word is surrender for 2016. Faith words like “surrender” and “submit” are difficult for me.   I like being in control of everything in my life, including my food intake.  I want to eat when I want to, regardless of whether I am hungry or not.  I want to eat sweets after each meal, even if I am full.  Surrender also includes letting go of emotions instead of hanging on hurt feelings.  Surrender is giving up control and choosing to follow God. James 4:8 is, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purifyRead More →

In the past, I started every New Year with resolutions. Since I felt fat even when at normal weight, losing weight was the number one resolution on my list. New Year’s Day is on a Friday this year, so many people will wait to start diet resolutions on Monday, January 4. I will start my resolution today instead of waiting. This year, I resolve to let God make me over in His image. I do this as I become obedient to His way of life instead of grabbing the last cookie in the house. 2 Corinthians 5:17 is, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he isRead More →

What does Christmas mean to me today? In years past it meant gifts and food. Today, I reflect on the greatest gift of all. Isaiah 7:14 is, “… the Lord himself will give you the sign: Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’). (Holy Bible,New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007) By this gift, I now have the power of God living in me. This power not only saved me from and forgave all my past sins, but guides my food choices. During this month, I have eatenRead More →

My life once revolved around food so I ate all the time.  I ate when I got up in the morning, watched the clock until it was 10:00 a.m. and I could have a snack. After a snack, I waited impatiently for noon. After I ate lunch, I waited all afternoon for dinner time to come. Most of the time, I grazed while I cooked or snacked while waiting for the meal. I ate whether it was mealtime or not. When I started eating only food my body needed, I had no clue what true hunger felt like. I thought any form of stomach discomfortRead More →

My problems, issues, and concerns, beg for attention. As I dwell on a small concern, it grows into an major problem. I drive myself into frenzy, wanting to control circumstances out of my hands. My mind wraps around the issue, blocking out other thoughts, including prayers. Focusing on God gives my mind a break from problems. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 is, “For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather we fix our gaze on things thatRead More →

In past years, I tried with my human strength to keep healthy eating habits during the holidays.  Eventually, I would give in and eat all tempting treats surrounding me.  I planned on starting over with healthy eating the next day, but continued eating until my pants would no longer button. My goal this year is to be the first holiday that I do not overeat.  On Thanksgiving day, I enjoyed small servings of my favorite rich casseroles along with pie. I did great, until I ate a second helping of dessert my body did not need. I have not found a way to successfully overeat. OtherRead More →

I am a picky eater and hate potatoes.  When I was a young child starting to eat real food, I ate nothing but mashed potatoes. My dad was concerned that I was not getting all needed nutrients, so he cut up vegetables and meats to mix with my serving of potatoes.  As a result, I quit eating potatoes.   I tried eating them over the years, but never really liked potatoes, except as French fries or potato chips. Before, I thought I needed to eat all foods even those I did not enjoy. Now I skip over undesirable foods and enjoy those I like. Isaiah 55:2 is,Read More →

There is so much I am thankful for on this day.   First of all, I am thankful to serve an awesome God who has delivered me from destructive eating habits.   I can enjoy the wonderful food the Lord has provided me with without overindulgence.  I am thankful for my family and that we are together to celebrate today.  I am blessed with many friends supporting me when I need it.  God has placed people in my life, some of who I only keep up with on social media.  I am thankful for everyone He has placed in my path. 1 Chronicles 16:34 is,Read More →

My thoughts control what I eat. I love to search the internet and social media sites for entertainment. Everywhere I surf has pictures and recipes of delicious looking food. My bored mind can look at food and believe I am starving. I love searching Pinterest instead of digging through cookbooks. I have learned if I look at Pinterest food boards for fun, I will think about food later. When I think about food, I end up overeating. I can stop this cycle by focusing on God since he helps my wandering mind stay away from sin. James 1:14-15 is, “Temptation comes from our own desires, whichRead More →