This weekend celebrates Christ’s suffering and resurrection.   Jesus took a cruel and painful punishment, suffering hell for me.  Isaiah 53:5 is, “But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins.  He was beaten so we could be whole.  He was whipped so we could be healed. (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).   Through His pain and resurrection, I am healed from my sin.  Now through Him, I can quit sinning.  I do consider it sin to eat food my body does not need.  I am powerless to stop eating excess food on my own.  With Christ, I am delivered from this urgeRead More →

I occasionally have a desire to stuff food down my throat as fast as I can. I am not eating because of hunger.  Stuffing food into my body never satisfies me.  My body does not need this food, but I have a spiritual need only God can fill.  I avoid overindulgence by turning to God to meet this need.  During the times I have given in to this urge, I do not enjoy the food I gorge on.  I use food to meet a need only God can fill.  Since food never fills this craving, I continue to overeat. Only God can satisfy these deep spiritualRead More →

For many years, I turned to food to help me with problems and celebrate good times. I now realize how deeply ingrained my food habit is. I occasionally forget that God is my answer instead of food. For a long time, I excused minor slips. I believed since I was “good” most of the time, it was okay to sometimes rely on food instead of God. These excuses kept me from believing that God can help me eat only what my body needs at all times. I must believe that He can keep me from eating excess food. As long as I think I am powerless toRead More →

Sometimes I feel as if the world is against me and my struggle to eat just what my body needs.  I am stressed, so my natural response is to grab food.  Someone brings cookies to share at lunch or donuts to enjoy in the morning.  My busy schedule makes it hard to plan healthy meals.  When I am down, I feel like giving up. Food was once my answer to every problem.  I am on a journey of replacing this reliance on food to dependence on God alone. I realize there is an enemy likes my dependence on food. Food prevents me from reaching out to GodRead More →

I stuff food in my mouth for comfort when I face impossible situations.  I think the enemy highlights difficulties in my life so I lose focus on God.  I plan, plot how to deal with a problem instead of praying for it. Before long, I am in turmoil, stressed about the worst possible outcome.  I decide what my worst case options will be.  Then I waste time planning things that never come to pass.  I drive myself into emotional frenzy, and dive into food for comfort. Being a Christian does not guarantee an easy, trouble free life. 1 Peter 4:1 is, “So then, since Christ suffered physicalRead More →

When I pray, I talk to God, pouring my heart out to Him. It is like the relationship with my spouse, in that I share every detail. God listens to my prayers and is never too busy or tired. As I have learned more about God, I have learned that He is dependable and trustworthy. I can discuss both my problems and successes with Him. When I am tempted to eat, I reach out to Him instead of food. He inspires me to open my bible instead of stuffing my mouth with chips. Prayer is the solution for everything. James 5:13 is, “Is anyone amongRead More →

“Diet” is a 4 letter word for me. I hate diets and being told what to eat. I like going back for seconds, and finishing my meals with desert. I hate not eating fast foods or drinking soda. I followed every diet with a reward/celebration meal if I lost weight. Other times I broke the diet with a cheat meal that lasted the rest of the week. Either way, I always I gained back what weight I lost. I focused on what I could and could not eat while following a diet.  I dreamed of being able to eat fattening foods again.  I learned to enjoy healthyRead More →

I think my brain is wired to seek food, even when I am not hungry. I wake up in the morning and immediately think about what I will eat. Since I am not much of a breakfast eater, I start thinking of other meals. As the day goes on, I am tempted to snack to ease stress and to celebrate successes with food. To end my attraction to food, I must focus on God. I think God knew what he was doing when he created me. We were all created with an empty hole only He can fill. Food has been my drug, security blanket,Read More →

I like working out, enjoy Zumba and other fitness classes.  I have also ran/walked a few 5K races.  Fitness has not helped me lose weight permanently.  Many times, I overate after an intense workout and continued eating into the next day.  Since starting this blog about six months ago, I have lost 7 pounds.  God centered eating and accountability is taking my excess weight off, but I need to get moving. I have not worked out consistently in the six months of writing this blog.  I blame lack of time, since I also work full time.  Add taking care of a family, and my personalRead More →

I got bored last week. I was feeling sick, had the beginnings of a sinus/head cold and just wanted to rest. While resting, I ended watching TV and surfing social media sites. Unfortunately, I eat when I am bored and I also eat while watching TV. I should have opened my bible to fill this emptiness instead of doing my old habits. I am a busy person, and usually barely have time to sit and relax in the evening before I fall asleep. I sometimes complain that I have no time to read my bible or pray. Yet, I waste a lot of time inRead More →