In the past, I was afraid to get hungry.  I snacked in between meals to avoid hunger.  When I dieted, I grazed on “free” foods throughout the day. Once God showed me that I could wait until my body was hungry to eat, I learned hunger was not as painful as I had thought.  He showed me when I depend on Him, He gives me strength. God recently showed me I had been eating more food than my body needs.  Through prayer, I realized it was partly stress eating.  However, most of my problem was that I was afraid to be hungry.  I had to remember GodRead More →

Sometimes I get an urge to cram as much food as I can in my body.  As this urge goes on, I tell myself I need “just one more”.  It is never enough. This compulsion to stuff food down my body drives me to continue eating, even after my stomach is stuffed.   This compulsion usually comes with a nagging feeling that something is wrong; I am stressed, tired, or worried.  No amount of food can soothe these feelings.  This is a mask for emptiness that only God can fill. I  need to stuff God in my heart when I have the compulsive feeling to stuffRead More →

I had a fairly good week staying on track. I did lean on God and worked to keep my connection with Him strong.  I caught myself about to eat when I was stressed and prayed instead.  God’s ways work to keep me from slipping. 2 Corinthians 10:4 is, “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  The world tells me to resist temptation by staying away from it.  Other experts tell me to post pictures of me at my goal weight for motivation.  These worldlyRead More →

If worrying was an Olympic event, I would win gold.  Sometimes I concentrate on problems and plan “what if” situations that result in the worst possible ending.  I know that worry never solves the real issue. In my mind,  I am working to solve a problem, but in reality, I waste time when I worry. Philippians 4:6 is, “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007). God commands me to pray instead of worrying. When I worry, I focus on the problem. I accomplish nothing. Many times,Read More →

Temptations creep into the corners of my life.  When I am closer to God, these attractions have little appeal for me. Busyness, fatigue, and stress, weaken me. I give in to temptation, “just this once”. When I give in once, it is harder to resist and easier to fall the next time.  After failing so many times, it is difficult to find restraint for the next temptation. I lose motivation and want to give up.  I get discouraged, and stop losing weight.  My clothes start to get tight. To get out of this rut, I must seek God. Hebrews 12:1-2 is, “…let us run with endurance theRead More →

I like the outdoors and stepping into nature. My fear of snakes and other wildlife keeps me from exploring forests and mountains.  I stick to trails that cut through parks and other nature centers.  My fear of being attacked by a snake (or another animal) keeps me on a path.  This not a perfect analogy, but just as a path keeps me safe, depending on God is like a path that guides me through life. However, I don’t always depend on God.  Instead, I want to do it all myself. If I depend on my own strength I am not depending on God.  2 Samuel 22:33-34Read More →

Negativity is a dark place my brain occasionally visits.  I am normally positive and look for God’s blessings around me.  I have tasted how good God is and notice He is not present when I focus on the negative. When I look only at what is wrong, I start to fret and complain.  I eventually feel hopeless and no longer feel good things He blesses me with. Dwelling on negative thoughts also drives me to overeat.  When I once lived in negativity,  gloom and doom felt normal.  Since God has changed me, negativity no longer feels right.  The cure for negative thinking is to focus backRead More →

My eating has been sloppy for the past few weeks.  Since school started, I am running all day.  I do not have time to cook, much less to plan healthy meals.  When I have too many tasks to complete, I get stressed.  Stress also keeps me up at night.  I admit, due to stress and fatigue, I ate more food that my body needed several times during the past few weeks. Luckily, I have not gained back enough weight to notice, but the truth is I need to get back on track.  I start by focusing my heart and attention back to Christ.  Isaiah 40:29Read More →

I am not the same person I used to be. I once loved food and centered my life around eating.  God changed my heart, so my focus is now on Him.  Today, I don’t want to stuff my face with food.  My personality is still the same, but better with God living in me. 2 Corinthians 5:17 is, “Therefore, if  anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, 2001).   When I began my journey with Christ, I was stubborn and did not want to give up my right to enjoyRead More →

Little things add up and create stress.  Individually, these annoyances so minor that others don’t want to hear me whine. When I focus on one problem, I remember another issue. Once my brain gets on the negative side, focus on gloominess has me frantic and stressed. Stressed and negative thoughts keep me up at night. Both fatigue and stress are triggers for me to eat.  I know food does not take stress away or give me energy, but I run to it anyway. Instead of food, I need the living water that only Jesus can give me.  John 4:14 is, “But those who drink the waterRead More →