Only God Satisfies

Only God Satisfies

All my life, I searched for something to fill the emptiness inside me.  Food has been my favorite thing to stuff this hole with.  I thought food would block pain, hide feelings of inadequacy, and soothe stress.  Food never took away these feelings or cured stress.  Instead, overeating left me with a stuffed stomach and excess weight.

Psalm 103:5 is “Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (The Holy Bible, New King James Version, 1982).   God created me with emptiness that only He can fill.  I believe this is why food never satisfied me.  Now that I have experienced His satisfying love, nothing else can fill me.  Stuffing my face is no longer pleasurable; I have found something better than excess food.

When I am tempted to eat, I seek God. I open my bible instead of the pantry.  Unlike food, God heals my pain and calms emotions.  God guides me to solutions in tough situations.  He helps me fix issues that cause stress.  God fully satisfies me like food never could.  I depend on God and do not miss the excess food.

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