“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” Slogans and saying like this never helped me stick to a food plan. I ate all the time, whether I was hungry or not. When I was on a restricted diet, I binged on low-calorie and “free” foods. After I started gaining weight back while still following a no sugar/low-fat food plan, I gave up and ate what I wanted. I decided I had no self-control and was doomed to stay fat forever.
I ate all the time to fill a need only God could provide. I used food to fill my need for spiritual refreshment. Psalm 119:103 is, “How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007). God’s words taste better than any food I stuff in my mouth. My true need is to draw closer to God. When I have an urge to stuff food in my mouth, instead of running to the food, I run to God.
Prayer is the most portable and easiest way to seek God. When I feel like overeating, I start by praying and asking Him if I am truly hungry. Most of the time I need to stop thinking about food. I have a Bible app on my phone, complete with verse highlights and notes, to help refocus my mind. Redirecting my mind stops temptation, so I avoid overeating. I have become sensitive to God’s leading and see both struggles and giving into temptation as a sign I need to draw closer to God. I am so grateful to serve an awesome God who never gives up on me and continues to give me strength to overcome food.