Nothing Tastes as Good as God’s Peace

Nothing Tastes as Good as God’s Peace

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”  Slogans and saying like this never helped me stick to a food plan.  I ate all the time, whether I was hungry or not. When I was on a restricted diet, I binged on low-calorie and “free” foods.  After I started gaining weight back while still following a no sugar/low-fat food plan, I gave up and ate what I wanted. I decided I had no self-control and was doomed to stay fat forever.

I ate all the time to fill a need only God could provide.  I used food to fill my need for spiritual refreshment. Psalm 119:103 is, “How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  God’s words taste better than any food I stuff in my mouth.  My true need is to draw closer to God.  When I have an urge to stuff food in my mouth, instead of running to the food, I run to God.

Prayer is the most portable and easiest way to seek God.  When I feel like overeating, I start by praying and asking Him if I am truly hungry.  Most of the time I need to stop thinking about food.  I have a Bible app on my phone, complete with verse highlights and notes, to help refocus my mind.  Redirecting my mind stops temptation, so I avoid overeating.  I have become sensitive to God’s leading and see both struggles and giving into temptation as a sign I need to draw closer to God.  I am so grateful to serve an awesome God who never gives up on me and continues to give me strength to overcome food.

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