No more Excess Food for Me

No more Excess Food for Me

A little bit of sloppy eating turns into a struggle to get back on track.  Since I am aware of my triggers, I am careful when I am sick and during celebrations.  After this passes, my defenses go down and I find myself slipping. God nudges me so I stop eating and focus back on Him.

I have tracked my eating for the month of January.  I started off sloppy even though I had a great December.  I got back on track, then got sick, but continued my streak of not overeating.   This week, I ate too much even though I had no “excuse”.  During periods of temptation, I turn to God for help.  After my crisis is resolved, I get complacent and slip.  I think my old sinful self wants to “get away” with excess eating.  This old self desires excess food and falls when my defenses are down.  Any time I slip, this old thinking believes it is okay to overeat again.  If I eat too much, intentionally or not, I must work harder in the following days to only eat food my body needs.

1 Peter 5 is, “Stay alert!  Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.  He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  I must always stay alert.  Satan tries to get me when I am weak to trip me up.  Now I make an extra effort to stay alert at all times, since I know I fall when I don’t pay attention.  Since no longer enjoy the pleasure of excess food, I stay alert and away from trouble.

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