November brings the 30 days of thankfulness challenge on social media. Every day, people are challenged to post one thing they are thankful for. I have never taken this challenge or tried to name 30 different things I am thankful for. Sometimes I got caught in the spirit of thankfulness, and occasionally posted something I was thankful for throughout the month. Deep down, I know I am blessed with family, friends, and enough of everything else to live.
God has given and will continue to give me everything I need. Psalm 109:30 is, “But I will give repeated thanks to the Lord, praising him to everyone.” Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007). This verse tells me I need to express my gratitude to others and give God the glory. When I post thankfulness on social media, I am “praising him to everyone.” Even if I don’t declare my blessings online, I can voice my gratefulness in person.
In the past, I failed give God the credit for what he blessed me with. People would congratulate me and tell me they were happy for my success. My goal for the month of November is to express thankfulness to God for everything. I have a lot in my life I am thankful for. Most of all, I am grateful for Jesus for saving me and taking away my desire for excess food. I will probably not post a “thankful” post each day, but will let others around me know He has blessed me.