Mindless Eating

Mindless Eating

Like most people, I multi-task to get everything accomplished.  I usually have several urgent tasks screaming to be completed that I do not have time for.  To better manage time, I eat while working. However, I eat more because I am not paying attention to the food I eat.  This is the same concept as stuffing chips in my mouth while watching TV.  My brain gets entertained while my stomach is stuffed.

When I eat a few bites in between working, my brain is focused on the job, not food.  Usually, the task and bag of chips both get finished in the same amount of time.  I continue to graze until my stomach hurts.   When I am not paying attention to how much I eat, I suddenly feel stuffed.  If I am aware of what I am eating, I can sense the food satisfying and stop before I overeat.

Psalm 145:14-15 is, “The Lord sustains all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down.  The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food in due time.”  (New American Standard Bible, 1995)  God is my provider of everything, including food and time.  Many times,  I think I need to accomplish things on my list.  Later, I realize that my item scratched off did not need to done. I waste time and energy that can be used to complete something else. By staying close to God, He shows me what I need to focus on, so my time is spent wisely.  God also help me take a break to eat so I am aware of how much food I consume.  He is my provider of time and helps me tackle my “to do” list.

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