Live and Forgive

Live and Forgive

Forgiveness is more difficult when the wound is fresh.  I like to prevent myself from being hurt again, so I distance myself from pain.  However, I cannot cut everyone who has offended me out of my life.  Learning to coexist with people who might hurt me again is impossible without forgiveness.

I forget to be patient with others and focus on their faults.   Colossians 3:13 is, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you had a grievance against someone.  Forgive as the Lord forgave  you.” (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  When I cling to hurt feelings and don’t forgive, it grows into bitterness. This hurts me more than the person I refuse to forgive.  It spills over because bitterness festers and takes over my entire outlook.  I don’t want bitterness in my heart because it distracts me from God’s voice.  God has forgiven and continues to shower grace on me.  I need to extend this same grace to others.

I need God’s help to forgive.  He gives me the strength to restore damaged relationships.  Some times I cling to my hurt feelings and rehash negatives instead of moving on.   I must surrender my emotions to God to forgive.  He helps me show others the same forgiveness He generously washed over me.

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