Deep down, I am a rule follower. I try to do the right thing. It bothers me when other people get away with disobedience. Even when their actions don’t involve me, I plot ways to fix their wrongs. This creates stress and stirs my emotions. The more I focus on injustice, the more upset I get. Eventually, I reach for food to ease my emotions.
Matthew 7:1 is, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011). Only God knows our hearts and is qualified to judge us. I have no business condemning others. God is my defender and can fight for me. Only He can right every wrong I encounter in life. I waste time rehashing the past and dwelling on things I am unable to change. All I need to do is let go.
I choose to let go and trust God as my defender. He fights my battles and gives me wisdom to walk away. (My nose should not be in most places I am disturbed with.) Turning to His Word helps me stop focusing on other people’s faults. My critical attitude brings me down and benefits no one. God helps me to leave behind my judgmental nature.