Impossible, but promising with Christ

Impossible, but promising with Christ

For many years, I turned to food to help me with problems and celebrate good times. I now realize how deeply ingrained my food habit is. I occasionally forget that God is my answer instead of food. For a long time, I excused minor slips. I believed since I was “good” most of the time, it was okay to sometimes rely on food instead of God. These excuses kept me from believing that God can help me eat only what my body needs at all times. I must believe that He can keep me from eating excess food.

As long as I think I am powerless to stop eating, I will continue to reach for food.  I had fallen into the “blame game” of finding excuses to justify my behavior.   For the longest time, I sincerely believed I could not help it; I had no control over food.  I will continue to reach for food as long as I accept this as truth.  Once I believe God can strengthen me and prevent me from overeating, I can leave food behind.  Positive self-talk is not enough to keep me away from excess food. Instead, I must believe I can stop my food habit with Christ’s help.

Philippians 4:13 is, For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  My body did not need the huge portions I once forced my body to digest. Christ is the answer to living in all circumstances, including eating less food.  When I feel the temptation to overeat, I can reach out to God who will strengthen me.   He gives me strength to face stressful situations that seem impossible.  By depending on God, I can leave food behind.  Unlike food, God can guide me through stressful times.  Today, I live in dependence of God instead of food.

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