How can I love food instead of God?

How can I love food instead of God?

God created people to fellowship with Him.  He created me with an empty space in my heart that only He can fill.  In vain, I have spent my life trying to stuff this space with food.  Even though I know food will not cure the problem, I continue overeating as a solution.  When I realize I have fallen, I am embarrassed because I chose food over God.

After I slip and overeat, I want to hide from God as Adam and Eve did in Genesis 3:8.  Deep down, I know I have not fallen too far to never come back.  I also know I need to bring my heart to my knees and repent.  I am good at justifying my overeating, but I did it because I temporarily took my eyes off Him.

I have been following this relying on God way of eating instead of a dieting long enough to know that I must keep my focus on Him.  To do this, I must hunger for God instead of the food.  Psalm 42:1 is “As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, God.” (Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009) If I am hungering for God, I want to immerse myself in God’s word, not only to fight temptation, but to nourish my soul. With my soul nourished, I am not tempted to eat.  I have attempted for too long to fill my heart with food and it does not work!

Only God can satisfy my longing soul.  Sometimes, I get complacent and take God for granted.  When I take God for granted, I slip because my mind drifts away from Him.  I am so tired of my weight fluctuating, that today, I commit to God to fill my longing.  When my eyes are focused on Him, I don’t worry about slipping. God fills my emptiness and gives me strength that food can never provide.

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