Hanging on

Hanging on

I used to think it was okay to eat just a few more bites even when I was full. Eating a little bit of cake is better than stuffing a large bag of cookies down my body. Once I started overeating, I continued to stuff more food in my mouth. This kept me from losing weight. I hung onto these extra bites and told myself it was not wrong.

Psalm 51:10 is, “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit in me.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2015). God cleanses me, so I no longer want to overeat. I gave up snacking for Lent and saw how much extra food I ate. He has changed my heart over the last few weeks. I need to surrender everything to Him, including food. I can no longer eat anytime I want. Instead, I enjoy eating when I am hungry so I can nourish my body. God helps me let go of food so I can lean on Him.

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