Giving up “My” Way

Giving up “My” Way

I hate losing arguments.  I like being right and want others to agree with me.  As I got older, I realized I am sometimes wrong.  It no longer offends me when others don’t like my suggestions.  I have matured, but I still like getting my way.

Luke 9:23 is, “Then he said to the crowd, ‘If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.’”  (Holy Bible New Living Translation, 2007, emphasis added).  God is the only one who is right all the time.  It is foolish for me to think I have all the answers and can fix every problem.  God’s wisdom is far superior than mine.

Little by little, I have surrendered my will to God.  Occasionally, my stubbornness causes me to hold something back.  This gets in the way of my relationship with God.  I feel uneasy and irritable until I let go.  God gives me the strength to surrender my way to Him.  I find peace when I give up my need to be right.

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