Freedom to Enjoy Holidays

Freedom to Enjoy Holidays

Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday eating season.  In past years, I started October by stocking up on Halloween candy and eating most of it.  I continued eating leftover candy, and even bought more candy after Halloween.   The candy was gone in time for all the Thanksgiving feasts, including desserts.  This year is already different, because God has changed my heart.  I do not want to overeat any more.   This is the first Halloween that I did not stock up on candy, only to eat most of it.

As long as God is in control, I do not worry about overeating.  Romans 8:6 is “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.  But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  In the past, my sinful nature craved excess food.  I never was satisfied, so I continued to eat when my stomach hurt.  As long as my sinful nature was in control, I was unable to stop eating. Until I allowed God’s spirit to be in charge, I did not realize I could have peace instead of an uncontrollable desire to eat.

To avoid temptations, I am making an extra effort to seek the Lord.  On days that I start by reading God’s Word, I walk through the day seeking Him instead of food.  This brings me peace and allows me to really enjoy this time of the year.  There is more to holidays than food, like visiting family and enjoying holiday traditions.  I am going to enjoy the true celebration of holidays instead of overeating.


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