Fear Not, I Belong to God

Fear Not, I Belong to God

Fear is a normal emotion for me. Sometimes, I imagine the worst possible case scenario to work my fear into frenzy.   Even though deep down I know my imaginary event will never happen, I find something else to worry about.  Not knowing what is going to happen give me stress and uncertainty.  I would rather be in control and know what is going to happen.  Most of my fears come from my unwillingness to surrender control.

My fears are erased when I remember to surrender control to God.  Isaiah 43:1 is, “But now, this is what the Lord says – he who created you, …’Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.'” (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  When I remember that God has redeemed me by paying the price for my sin, I can let go of my fear.  The same God who has saved me from sin also saves me from every fear.  I can relax because He is in control and can handle my uneasiness about the future.

I would rather live in God’s power than worry about things I cannot control.   There is so much I can never control and the quicker I realize this, the less stressed my life will be.  Even though bad things can and will happen, I serve a mighty God who give me strength to handle trials.  God is in control and I belong to Him.  I can rest in His power instead of living in fear.

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