Enjoying Seasonal Treats

Enjoying Seasonal Treats

Anytime I completely eliminate specific foods like sugar, I count days until I can enjoy it again.  I dream about what I am missing while I substitute something else to quench this craving.  Even though I lose weight, I gain it back quickly once I end my elimination diet.  I realized recently that I am eating too much sugar.  When I eat unhealthy foods like candy and potato chips all day, I feel bad.  I am grateful God reveals things to me that I need to work on.

When I first cried out to God for help with my weight, He showed me the answer was to eat less sugar and fat.  I also learned I was using excess food to feed needs only God can fill.  Before, I would stuff down a large piece of cake, multiple cookies, and top it off with a handful of candy.  Now I feel satisfied after a few bites.  Food can never satisfy my spiritual needs.  Psalm 63:5 is, “You satisfy me more than the richest feast.  I will praise you with songs of joy.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).   My soul is full of God’s peace when I turn to Him instead of the food.

I enjoy what I eat because I slow down to taste each bite.  Even though I eat less, I am satisfied after my meals.  I get most of my nutrients from healthy food so I have less cravings.  Best of all, I have developed a deeper dependence on God.  He has shown me to eat less food and helps me walk through life.

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