Ending Impulsive Chioces

Ending Impulsive Chioces

God’s will is occasionally crystal clear to me.  More often, I sit in uncertainly.  All my options can look the same.  Other times, I get overwhelmed weighing the positives and negatives of both possibilities.  I have been know to seek other’s opinions and sometimes base decisions on what another person thinks is best.  I get tempted to rush into selecting the choice that appears to be best.

God has taught me to wait and pray for direction. Psalm 27:14 is, “Wait patiently for the Lord.  Be brave and courageous.  Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007).  When I am stuck with indecision, God tells me to rest and wait on Him.  He shows me what steps to take.  Sometimes, I need to step away from sorting out the pros and cons of my options.

I need to seek Him through prayer and reading His Word.  Everything I do should glorify God.  My choices need to reflect teachings from His Word.  If I neglect my Bible reading, I miss insights that help me make better choices. Leaning on God helps me to make decisions that reflect His ways.  I am able to rest when facing indecision, knowing He will reveal what path I need to take.

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