Eat when hungry

Eat when hungry

I hate diets and detailed food plans.  The first 3 letters of “diet” are “die” and I think it make perfect sense.   People following diets put to death their choice of what to eat at each meal.  I hated being told what to eat, but forced myself to follow diets because I did not like my weight.


I never could stick to any diet for longer than a few weeks.  I would always look forward to a day when I could eat what I wanted to again.  This is until I decided I needed to make a lifestyle change and stopped eating sugars and fats.  I lost 90 pounds, but eventually gained it all back, plus extra bonus pounds.  I reached a point where I was sick the excess weight, and realized diets did not work for me. I cried out to God for help.  He showed me that I could lose weight without following a diet by only eating food my body is hungry for.

I had not allowed my body to get hungry, since I thought being hungry would lead to overeating.  It took time for me to learn what true hunger felt like. While I waited for my body to get hungry, I learned to depend on God for strength.  I began by praying for Him to show me when my body was hungry.  I would pray and read my bible to focus my mind on Him instead of food.  I found it easier to wait for hunger when I wrapped my mind around Him.

Also just as important, was learning to stop eating when I was full.   As soon as I feel satisfied, I put my fork down.  Many times I stop eating and am full until the next meal.   I don’t have to eat until my plate is clean.  I either save leftover on my plate for another meal or throw them away.  Since I serve myself smaller portions, I do not have as much food left on my plate.  I do not feel guilty about throwing these small amounts away.

I realized I was overweight because I ate too much.   Learning to eat slower helped me to sense when my body was getting full.  As I focused my mind on God instead of the food, food became less important in my life.  I realized that many times I ate for reasons other than hunger.  Since food is no longer a priority in my life, I only eat when my body is hungry.

This way of eating is easy to follow.  As I listen to my body, I actually find myself craving healthy foods.  I eat smaller, healthy portions when I am hungry. I am eating only what my body needs so I lose weight. Since there is no diet to break, I can enjoy occasional treats without guilt.   Isaiah 55:8 is, “’My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,’ says the Lord.  “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996,2004, 2007) God’s ways are superior to ours.   I can lose weight and be healthy by following God instead of a diet.


  1. I am so proud of you…What a lovely, Christian woman you have become!

    1. Author

      Thanks Joyce. I am just getting started and can’t wait to see what all He has in store for me.

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