Doing the Word

Doing the Word

I read my Bible regularly.  I also try and listen to what God says to me.  This brings me peace and shows me steps I need to take.  But, reading is not enough.  I must do what His Word says.  Instead, I sometimes choose to do the opposite.  I feel I should give a random stranger a word of encouragement, but don’t want to be embarrassed.  Other times, I get sucked into gossip or laugh when others are made fun of.  People who might never read a Bible see me as an example of Christ.  When I fail to convey Him with my actions, I fail.  I don’t realize how damaging this is for Kingdom building.

James 1:22 is, “But don’t just listen to God’s word.  You must do what it says.  Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007).  After I read my Bible, I sometimes feel I can “check off” my God duty for the day.  He is more than an item to check off during my morning routine. I want to live for Him, so I must apply these lessons learned to my life.  I need to allow His Word to change me.  Then, my actions can build people up and point others to Christ.

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