Delete old Messages about Food

Delete old Messages about Food

Old messages like “you deserve to eat after a tough day” and “you can enjoy and overdo it just this once” get me in trouble.  Last week,  I discovered I was unable to relax and unwind without reaching for food.  I felt the need to snack to enjoy my well-deserved day of rest. This is proof I need to get rid of all old messages and habits that lead me to overeat.

I am peeling away layers and understanding reasons behind why I choose to slip.  Every time I put excess food in my mouth, or eat when I am not hungry, I am choosing to disobey God.  Today, I love God too much to intentionally overeat.  James 4:8 is, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.  Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007)   I have one foot stuck in the world and the other one trying to grasp God when I continue to choose excess food over God.  I need to choose God and draw close to Him.

When I seek God, He gives me strength to overcome food.  I am grateful He reveals what I need to work on and let go of.  As I draw closer, I gain sensitivity to understand that minor slips put distance between God and I.  Today, I choose to seek Him and rest in His power.  When I lean on Him, He give me the strength to delete old messages so I can eat healthy.

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