Dangerous Boredom

Dangerous Boredom

I got bored last week. I was feeling sick, had the beginnings of a sinus/head cold and just wanted to rest. While resting, I ended watching TV and surfing social media sites. Unfortunately, I eat when I am bored and I also eat while watching TV. I should have opened my bible to fill this emptiness instead of doing my old habits.

I am a busy person, and usually barely have time to sit and relax in the evening before I fall asleep. I sometimes complain that I have no time to read my bible or pray. Yet, I waste a lot of time in meaningless activities that I could devote to spiritual growth. Psalm 119:9-10 is, “How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word. I have tried hard to find you – don’t let me wander from your commands.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007). This year, I am trying to find God more than I have in the past. My spiritual eyes are opening and I see how I need Him more than anything. He guides my eating so I eat food my body needs. In Him, I find comfort for my emotional pain. When I am bored, I grab the first thing I find to fill it. Most of the time, I seek food to fill this empty time.

When I seek Him to fill my boredom, I am filling spaces that can be filled by Him alone.  God is the only one capable of filling my heart and soul.  When I am bored, I want to seek Him instead of things to pass the time. God has filled my heart and I need to seek Him instead of worldly things when I get bored.

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