Cutting Sugar Cravings

Cutting Sugar Cravings

I have a “love hate” relationship with sugar.  I love the taste, but hate the calories.  Too much sugar makes my stomach ache and breath smell like rotten candy.  I used to stuff my body with gobs of sweets.  Once I started eating sugar, I was powerless to stop.  I was overweight and frequently got sick.

So, I went “cold turkey” and quit eating foods with added sugar. I felt healthier, but missed something.  After a while, I turned to sugar free versions that never fully satisfied.  I did lose excess pounds, but missed my treats. This deprivation increased my lust for food.  I refused to give into my craving for sugar.  I gorged on excessive amounts of healthy foods, like rice cakes, fruit, and diet yogurt.  I eventually I gained back what I lost, plus more.

Psalm 119:103 is, “How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007). God’s Word satisfies me better than any food I once stuffed in my mouth.  He has changed my heart so I crave sweets less often.  God draws me closer.  I continue to seek Him by praying and reading my Bible.  Small portions of desserts satisfy me, unlike when I inhaled an entire low calorie cheesecake without tasting it. God has changed my heart to do what human willpower is unable to do.  I am able to enjoy my sweet treats occasionally without constant sugar cravings.

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