Complete Dependence

Complete Dependence

I once relied on earthly wisdom and diets to fix my overeating problem.  Society told me I was fat, so I cut calories and fat grams.  Later, I was told to watch carbs instead of fat. These “elimination” food plans only made me want to indulge in foods I no longer ate. I was sick of the constant thoughts of food tempting me to indulge.  I felt worthless because I had no willpower.  Finally, I cried out to God for help.

Psalm 91:2 is, ”I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  God is my “ crutch” I lean on to get through life.  Without Him, I wander mindlessly, following my own selfish desires. God rescues me from my craving for excess food.

His deliverance is not a one time deal.  He has saved me, but food still tempts me.  To stay on track, I must continue to rest in Him. Instead of reaching for food, I turn to Him for comfort.  If I take my eyes off God, I will slip.  God has changed my heart so I want to seek Him instead of food.

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