Comfort in Troubled Times

Comfort in Troubled Times

Problems and issues from everyday living wear me down.  Minor concerns add up and drag me down.  As I have got older and aware of danger, I worry more than I did when I was younger.  I want to be prepared if the worst possible thing happens.  However, I get stressed over something that may never come to pass.  I want to have future plans mapped out so I know what to expect.  Anytime I focus on negatives, I create emotional distress.  I need to lean on God and let Him carry me.

Isaiah 46:4 is, “I will be your God throughout your lifetime – until your hair is white with age.  I made you and will care for you.  I will carry you along and save you.  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  God will stick by me and continue to guide me along no matter what happens.  I lose focus by getting overwhelmed with my “to do” list and what I would like to change.  When I feel surrounded by trouble, I forget God will help me walk through my problems.  I need to shift my focus from earthy issues to heavenly promises.

I am not promised a trouble free life, but a guide to navigate life with.  I stress over things I magnify in my brain.  This makes a small inconvenience grow into a major trial.  I need to trust that God will give me the wisdom to solve small annoyances instead of worrying about the worst outcome.  I lose peace and sleep by focusing on problems.  God is always with me and desires I share my burden with him.

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