Food thoughts once ran constantly through my mind.  I woke up and planned my meals for the day. As the day progressed, I fantasized about food I would like to eat.  These thoughts convinced me I was hungry and tempted me to eat. When on a diet, I dreamed about what I was missing and tried to think of ways I could eat cake, (or nachos, pizza and cookies).    All these thoughts on food caused me to eat. I wasted much time planning meals when following a diet.  Many times during the day, I calculated what I had consumed and determined what else I couldRead More →

I hate diets and detailed food plans.  The first 3 letters of “diet” are “die” and I think it make perfect sense.   People following diets put to death their choice of what to eat at each meal.  I hated being told what to eat, but forced myself to follow diets because I did not like my weight. I never could stick to any diet for longer than a few weeks.  I would always look forward to a day when I could eat what I wanted to again.  This is until I decided I needed to make a lifestyle change and stopped eating sugars and fats. Read More →

God has delivered me from overeating and excessive food thoughts.  In the past, I overate to fill emptiness inside my heart.  No matter how much food I ate, I was never satisfied.   Before, my brain was always focused on food.  I either dreamed about food I wanted to eat or worried about following a food plan to lose weight.  I was always on a diet since my body weight has ranged from slightly overweight to obese for most of my life. It took me many years to reach the point where I was willing to depend on God as the solution to my weight andRead More →