What does Christmas mean to me today? In years past it meant gifts and food. Today, I reflect on the greatest gift of all. Isaiah 7:14 is, “… the Lord himself will give you the sign: Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’). (Holy Bible,New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007) By this gift, I now have the power of God living in me. This power not only saved me from and forgave all my past sins, but guides my food choices. During this month, I have eatenRead More →

My life once revolved around food so I ate all the time.  I ate when I got up in the morning, watched the clock until it was 10:00 a.m. and I could have a snack. After a snack, I waited impatiently for noon. After I ate lunch, I waited all afternoon for dinner time to come. Most of the time, I grazed while I cooked or snacked while waiting for the meal. I ate whether it was mealtime or not. When I started eating only food my body needed, I had no clue what true hunger felt like. I thought any form of stomach discomfortRead More →

In past years, I tried with my human strength to keep healthy eating habits during the holidays.  Eventually, I would give in and eat all tempting treats surrounding me.  I planned on starting over with healthy eating the next day, but continued eating until my pants would no longer button. My goal this year is to be the first holiday that I do not overeat.  On Thanksgiving day, I enjoyed small servings of my favorite rich casseroles along with pie. I did great, until I ate a second helping of dessert my body did not need. I have not found a way to successfully overeat. OtherRead More →

I am a picky eater and hate potatoes.  When I was a young child starting to eat real food, I ate nothing but mashed potatoes. My dad was concerned that I was not getting all needed nutrients, so he cut up vegetables and meats to mix with my serving of potatoes.  As a result, I quit eating potatoes.   I tried eating them over the years, but never really liked potatoes, except as French fries or potato chips. Before, I thought I needed to eat all foods even those I did not enjoy. Now I skip over undesirable foods and enjoy those I like. Isaiah 55:2 is,Read More →

I was sick this past week. In the past, I would overeat when I was sick. Before, food was my solution for every problem. I thought food would ease the discomfort of being sick. Instead of helping my illness,  I would feel worse because my stomach also hurt from eating too much. I once depended on food to get me through every problem when I should have depended on God. Psalms 104:27 is, “They all depend on you (God) to give them food as they need it.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007). I am not depending on God when I use excuses to overeat. I canRead More →

Once, I ate until all the food was gone from my plate.  My focus is now on God instead of food, and the food is not as important as it once was.  I have learned to enjoy each bite and am satisfied with less.  Now that I am listening to God and eating only what my body needs, I am usually full before my plate is clean. God does not want me to obsess over leftovers.  John 6:27 is, “But don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food.   Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you.  For GodRead More →

Lately, I have been skidding down a road I do not want to be on.  I confess, I have eaten too much in the evenings. Some nights, it is after 8:00 p.m. before I am able to eat dinner and I eat too fast.  Other nights, I am so exhausted that I blindly stuff food into my mouth, when I am no longer hungry. Most days, I only eat what I should for breakfast and lunch, but overeat later in the day.  I have not gained weight yet, but I my weight loss has plateaued. I know what I need to do, so now I must doRead More →

Vacations and holidays are a time to overeat, or so most people think.  After all, when on vacation, we indulge in relaxation and rest.  Indulging in food seems like a natural part of being on a vacation. Vacations are break from reality and day to day stress, but I should never take a vacation from obedience. I am talking about obedience to God instead of obedience to the diet.  Being on a diet and being on vacation do not go together.  The one time I went on a cruise, I packed larger clothes that I needed on the last days.  Most people see vacations as the time to takeRead More →

I have been under a lot of stress lately.  School has started and my once lazy days of summer are long gone.  Not only can I no longer relax all day, but I have stress popping up from all directions.  My floors are covered with a layer of dust and grit.  I have two errands that are about 30 miles away in opposite directions.  I find myself trying to cram errands, work, and time for my family in a too small block of time.  So, I reason, maybe it is okay for me to use food to relieve this stress. My stress is still theRead More →

Food thoughts once ran constantly through my mind.  I woke up and planned my meals for the day. As the day progressed, I fantasized about food I would like to eat.  These thoughts convinced me I was hungry and tempted me to eat. When on a diet, I dreamed about what I was missing and tried to think of ways I could eat cake, (or nachos, pizza and cookies).    All these thoughts on food caused me to eat. I wasted much time planning meals when following a diet.  Many times during the day, I calculated what I had consumed and determined what else I couldRead More →