I am not the same person I used to be. I once loved food and centered my life around eating.  God changed my heart, so my focus is now on Him.  Today, I don’t want to stuff my face with food.  My personality is still the same, but better with God living in me. 2 Corinthians 5:17 is, “Therefore, if  anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, 2001).   When I began my journey with Christ, I was stubborn and did not want to give up my right to enjoyRead More →

All my life, I thought it was a crime to throw food away.  Even when full, I continued to eat until my plate was clean. I never used hunger as a reason to eat or fullness as a reason to stop.  I was able to follow the “clean your plate rule”  without weight gain until my late teen years.  My metabolism started slowing down and I began eating to soothe emotions.  When I hit my mid twenties, I started eating out more frequently.  Since I usually finished larger restaurant portions, my weight passed the 200 pound mark for the first time. Psalm 145:15 is, “TheRead More →

My pastime was once finding excuses to overeat.  It is a birthday or holiday.  This was a bad day. I want something yummy to eat. There is cheesecake in the refrigerator calling my name. I am slowly learning I can never intentionally eat beyond the point of full.  I am free to enjoy all foods as long as I do not overeat. 2 Corinthians 12:9 is, “…’My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.’  So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  GodRead More →

Everyone knows that “healthy” foods are better and a key part of any weight loss plan.  Can junk foods, rich desserts, or high calorie foods be part of a healthy diet?  For many years I thought just one bite of dessert would lead to an uncontrollable binge.  I found nutritious substitutes that tasted like my favorite treats.  Eating these wholesome fakes did nothing to fix my warped desire for excess food. Ecclesiastes 9:7 is, “So go ahead.  Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this!” (Holy Bible,New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007)  I had misunderstood the conceptRead More →

I seem to have been sick a lot this year.  I hate feeling bad because I have no energy to accomplish things that need to get done.  I squeeze too much activity into my days and run my body down.  This past two weeks, I have been struggling with an upper respiratory infection that developed into bronchitis.  My throat was so sore it hurt to drink coffee.  My stomach has felt like the morning sickness I had when pregnant.  Anytime I feel like this, I eat non stop to soothe the discomfort. Overeating does not help me recover from an illness.  It does not reallyRead More →

Like most people, I multi-task to get everything accomplished.  I usually have several urgent tasks screaming to be completed that I do not have time for.  To better manage time, I eat while working. However, I eat more because I am not paying attention to the food I eat.  This is the same concept as stuffing chips in my mouth while watching TV.  My brain gets entertained while my stomach is stuffed. When I eat a few bites in between working, my brain is focused on the job, not food.  Usually, the task and bag of chips both get finished in the same amount of time.Read More →

I speed through my days, trying to cram in as much as possible.  I have so much to do that sometimes, I do not have time to eat.  My solution is eating fast, so I can get more things accomplished. When I eat fast, I am not paying attention to how much I am eating.  I end up eating too much.  After I have moved on to the next activity, I notice the stomach discomfort from eating too much.  Psalm 27:14 is “Wait patiently for the Lord.  Be brave and courageous.  Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”   (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004,Read More →

I occasionally have a desire to stuff food down my throat as fast as I can. I am not eating because of hunger.  Stuffing food into my body never satisfies me.  My body does not need this food, but I have a spiritual need only God can fill.  I avoid overindulgence by turning to God to meet this need.  During the times I have given in to this urge, I do not enjoy the food I gorge on.  I use food to meet a need only God can fill.  Since food never fills this craving, I continue to overeat. Only God can satisfy these deep spiritualRead More →

“Diet” is a 4 letter word for me. I hate diets and being told what to eat. I like going back for seconds, and finishing my meals with desert. I hate not eating fast foods or drinking soda. I followed every diet with a reward/celebration meal if I lost weight. Other times I broke the diet with a cheat meal that lasted the rest of the week. Either way, I always I gained back what weight I lost. I focused on what I could and could not eat while following a diet.  I dreamed of being able to eat fattening foods again.  I learned to enjoy healthyRead More →

I like working out, enjoy Zumba and other fitness classes.  I have also ran/walked a few 5K races.  Fitness has not helped me lose weight permanently.  Many times, I overate after an intense workout and continued eating into the next day.  Since starting this blog about six months ago, I have lost 7 pounds.  God centered eating and accountability is taking my excess weight off, but I need to get moving. I have not worked out consistently in the six months of writing this blog.  I blame lack of time, since I also work full time.  Add taking care of a family, and my personalRead More →