Continuing to eat only the food my body needs has been my greatest challenge.  In the past, I found excuses to overeat.  Once I slip, it is easy to keep eating excess food.  I also erroneously think I can start over tomorrow, or even next Monday.  Over time, God has helped me eat less food.  I can tell when I am full and stop eating.  Before, I ate until my stomach was physically bloated, stretching out over my pants. Psalm 119:105 is, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  God hasRead More →

I don’t want to surrender everything in my life to God.  I need my “me” time to relax and recharge.  It hard for me to join a new bible study or spend more time in God’s word. This has been one busy week where I can think of many other things to do, including rest, instead of writing this post. My stubbornness in surrendering is not limited to time. I also am tempted to hold on to money, possessions, and even my food intake. During Lent, I normally focus on Bible readings about Easter and sacrifice. My current devotions are about surrendering everything to God andRead More →

“Doing the right thing” is a daily challenge for me.  I have to decide if I am going to do what my flesh desires, or be obedient to God.  I make daily decisions like how to behave when I get mad; stay clam and trust God, or react.  Deep down, I know God wants me to eat healthy and not be overweight.  I make choices throughout the day concerning food.  I chose to pass up a snack since I am not hungry.  I eat the vegetables my body is craving instead of junk food.  Without God’s help, I would eat when and what I feel likeRead More →

Weekly meal planning has never worked for me.  Many times my family ends up grabbing fast food on the go, or we eat a fast prep packaged meal.  Meal planning involves thinking about food.  Once I start thinking about food, my mind fixates on how good it will taste. With traditional meal planning, I ended up giving into temptation and overeating. My solution is God guided menu planning.  Proverbs 16:3 is”Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” (God’s Word NIV, 2011).  God can plan my family’s meals better than I can.  I no longer worry about overeating when I planRead More →

My body no longer belongs to me to do as I wish.  No more can I stuff down food that looks good or drown my feelings by overeating.  I have surrendered everything to the Lord, including what I eat.  I had to get rid of anything standing in the way of my relationship with God.  Food was once a large barrier keeping me from getting closer to God.  I tried for so many years to eat less, but had no long-term success until I realized my body is a temple, holy and belonging to God. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is, “Don’t you realize that your body isRead More →

Without God in my life, I am powerless over food.  I have tried for many years to eat healthy on my own and failed miserably.  Trying to diet and avoid fattening food only made me feel guilty that I could not control my food intake.  Little by little, I have surrendered my food issues over to God.  I took forever to realize I don’t have to do it alone.  I can trust in God, rest in Him, and lean on Him for strength to quit overeating for good. Colossians 2:13 is, “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cutRead More →

In the past, I shoved food down my throat without tasting it.  My goal was to binge or eat as much food as I could.  No matter how much I ate, I wanted more and kept eating.  Most of the time, I continued to eat until the food was gone or I felt as bloated as a whale.  I was ashamed that I had overindulged again. Isaiah 55:2 is, “Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength?  Why pay for food that does no good?  Listen to me, (God) and you will eat what is good.  You will enjoy the finest food.”  (Holy Bible, NewRead More →

I cannot avoid food temptation on my own.  Today, I will go to my first Christmas party of this year.  This is my first time of the Christmas season to face a food table, with gooey holiday desserts and salty, fatty snacks.  My instinct is to indulge and enjoy; it is a special occasion, and I can overdo it just this once. Since I do not want to spend the entire month of December overeating,  I need to depend on God for strength. God takes what I have, my messed up attempts to get it right, my inability to stick to any diet, and gives me strengthRead More →

Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday eating season.  In past years, I started October by stocking up on Halloween candy and eating most of it.  I continued eating leftover candy, and even bought more candy after Halloween.   The candy was gone in time for all the Thanksgiving feasts, including desserts.  This year is already different, because God has changed my heart.  I do not want to overeat any more.   This is the first Halloween that I did not stock up on candy, only to eat most of it. As long as God is in control, I do not worry about overeating.  Romans 8:6Read More →

In the past, I was afraid to get hungry.  I snacked in between meals to avoid hunger.  When I dieted, I grazed on “free” foods throughout the day. Once God showed me that I could wait until my body was hungry to eat, I learned hunger was not as painful as I had thought.  He showed me when I depend on Him, He gives me strength. God recently showed me I had been eating more food than my body needs.  Through prayer, I realized it was partly stress eating.  However, most of my problem was that I was afraid to be hungry.  I had to remember GodRead More →