I enjoy working out.  It relaxes me and I have the satisfaction of doing something good for myself.  Everyone knows that to lose weight, one must eat less and exercise more.  I have been know to invent excuses for overeating, including believing I deserved extra food for burning calories in the gym.  Since I stuffed my mouth after working out, my weight stayed the same, and even went up.  I even stopped going to the gym since it did not help me lose weight. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom youRead More →

I love candy, cookies, pies, and gooey desserts. In the past, I could not stop at just one.  Instead,, I continued eating until the bag was empty.  Since sweets were to blame for my overeating, I eliminated sugar and fat from my diet for 5 years.  After depriving myself of sweets, I found healthy substitutes for foods I once enjoyed.  These alternatives did not satisfy me.  I once devoured an entire diet cheesecake in one sitting. One day God showed me I could learn to enjoy sugary foods in moderation.  I enjoyed what I had missed for 5 long years.  Psalm 24:13 is, “Do you likeRead More →

It is crazy to keep making the same mistake over and over again.  I fail by continuing to eat after I am full.  During meals, I eat all the food on my plate, even though my stomach is full.  After dinner, I crave sweets.  One piece of candy turns into three.  I want more, so I switch to cookies to avoid overdoing candy.  The next day, I mindlessly continue to stuff excess food into my stomach.  I later wonder why I am bloated and my pants don’t zip. I used to blame the sweets for my lack of willpower.  Today I know my heart stillRead More →

February is a depressing month with cold, dreary days.  My flesh desires to stay in bed and eat instead of enjoying life.  God has taken away my desire to overeat, but I am still weak and face struggles.  I know food does nothing to help my blah moods and only makes things worse.  So, I fight temptation with God’s Word. Psalm 119:11 is, “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  My heart is more sensitive to sin as God has changed me.  Since I no longer want excess food, IRead More →

Christmas is my favorite holiday.  I love the reason for this season and enjoy spending time with people who are special to me.  In the past, my celebrations centered around food.  This year, I am working to make sure my focus is on God.  The past month, I increased my amount of Bible reading and spent extra time praying.  Today, I enjoyed a holiday meal, including dessert without overeating.   It is only December 20, and I have more Christmas meals to enjoy.  I am looking forward to enjoying everything about Christmas, even the food. As long as I keep my focus on Him, I don’t fear overeating. Read More →

Christmas has turned into a greedy, glutinous feast of excess.  I was shopping last night and felt the holiday shopping fever that causes one to buy stuff “just because”.  Because seasonal food is everywhere, I continually run into temptation.  I forget that my focus should be on Him, especially during the season we celebrate the gift of Jesus. When I focus on God, I am mindful of what I eat.  Hebrews 10:1-2 is, “…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus..” (Holy Bible,Read More →

Just because every store has been decked out in Christmas since September, I feel I am “late” by just now getting my tree and lights up. I enjoy sitting in my living room surrounded by twinkling lights.  No time to relax when there is so much to do.  Cookies need baking, dips and other party treats must be made.  Perfectly entertaining white elephant gifts take work to find. It is challenging to squeeze in every party and holiday activity I want to do. Isaiah 9:6 is, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, MightyRead More →

I can easily lose 5 to 10 pounds, just enough for me to notice a difference.  Then, I quit losing and start gaining weight back. Deep down, I want to take it easy once my clothes get loose. I gradually start eating larger portions and snacking, even if I am not hungry. Before I know it, I have slipped to the point my eating in no longer in control.  Recently, I have been on a steady path of continuing to eat less.  God is guiding me along this straight path.  He shows me I need to keep focused on Him and not drift away. HebrewsRead More →

Anytime I completely eliminate specific foods like sugar, I count days until I can enjoy it again.  I dream about what I am missing while I substitute something else to quench this craving.  Even though I lose weight, I gain it back quickly once I end my elimination diet.  I realized recently that I am eating too much sugar.  When I eat unhealthy foods like candy and potato chips all day, I feel bad.  I am grateful God reveals things to me that I need to work on. When I first cried out to God for help with my weight, He showed me the answerRead More →

I know that broccoli and kale are both healthy food choices.  Fresh lean meats are “better for you” than fatty and processed protein sources.  Excess sugar and salt are also bad to consume.  I know all of this and have been aware of these diet truths for a long time.  Knowing about these “diet guidelines” has not made me skinny.  Instead, I focused more on what I ate.  I would fret when I picked up pizza because I was too tired to cook.  Other times I felt guilty for eating candy or potato chips.  I resolved to eat better, but deep down wanted to enjoy my favoriteRead More →