Food thoughts once ran constantly through my mind.  I woke up and planned my meals for the day. As the day progressed, I fantasized about food I would like to eat.  These thoughts convinced me I was hungry and tempted me to eat. When on a diet, I dreamed about what I was missing and tried to think of ways I could eat cake, (or nachos, pizza and cookies).    All these thoughts on food caused me to eat. I wasted much time planning meals when following a diet.  Many times during the day, I calculated what I had consumed and determined what else I couldRead More →

What is the point of obedience when I am not losing weight?  I have been eating when I am hungry; stopping when I am full, and feel like I am not losing weight.   Since I did not pay attention to how much I weighed, I feel as if the scale has not moved.  So, should I just forget about eating obediently?  After all, I can always start over tomorrow if I decide to try again. Since I am almost 50 years old, I might be stuck with these extra pounds for the rest of my life, no matter what I eat. I have allowed stinking thinking to takeRead More →