This weekend celebrates Christ’s suffering and resurrection.   Jesus took a cruel and painful punishment, suffering hell for me.  Isaiah 53:5 is, “But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins.  He was beaten so we could be whole.  He was whipped so we could be healed. (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).   Through His pain and resurrection, I am healed from my sin.  Now through Him, I can quit sinning.  I do consider it sin to eat food my body does not need.  I am powerless to stop eating excess food on my own.  With Christ, I am delivered from this urgeRead More →

Sometimes I feel as if the world is against me and my struggle to eat just what my body needs.  I am stressed, so my natural response is to grab food.  Someone brings cookies to share at lunch or donuts to enjoy in the morning.  My busy schedule makes it hard to plan healthy meals.  When I am down, I feel like giving up. Food was once my answer to every problem.  I am on a journey of replacing this reliance on food to dependence on God alone. I realize there is an enemy likes my dependence on food. Food prevents me from reaching out to GodRead More →

When I pray, I talk to God, pouring my heart out to Him. It is like the relationship with my spouse, in that I share every detail. God listens to my prayers and is never too busy or tired. As I have learned more about God, I have learned that He is dependable and trustworthy. I can discuss both my problems and successes with Him. When I am tempted to eat, I reach out to Him instead of food. He inspires me to open my bible instead of stuffing my mouth with chips. Prayer is the solution for everything. James 5:13 is, “Is anyone amongRead More →

My faith word is surrender for 2016. Faith words like “surrender” and “submit” are difficult for me.   I like being in control of everything in my life, including my food intake.  I want to eat when I want to, regardless of whether I am hungry or not.  I want to eat sweets after each meal, even if I am full.  Surrender also includes letting go of emotions instead of hanging on hurt feelings.  Surrender is giving up control and choosing to follow God. James 4:8 is, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purifyRead More →

In the past, I started every New Year with resolutions. Since I felt fat even when at normal weight, losing weight was the number one resolution on my list. New Year’s Day is on a Friday this year, so many people will wait to start diet resolutions on Monday, January 4. I will start my resolution today instead of waiting. This year, I resolve to let God make me over in His image. I do this as I become obedient to His way of life instead of grabbing the last cookie in the house. 2 Corinthians 5:17 is, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he isRead More →

There is so much I am thankful for on this day.   First of all, I am thankful to serve an awesome God who has delivered me from destructive eating habits.   I can enjoy the wonderful food the Lord has provided me with without overindulgence.  I am thankful for my family and that we are together to celebrate today.  I am blessed with many friends supporting me when I need it.  God has placed people in my life, some of who I only keep up with on social media.  I am thankful for everyone He has placed in my path. 1 Chronicles 16:34 is,Read More →

God has delivered me from destructive eating habits, but I am still not perfect.  Last night, I thought I was hungry and had a bedtime snack.  I broke my streak of not eating after dinner for three weeks. The positive is that this snack was just one Pop Tart and about four ounces of yogurt.  The negative is this is extra food my body did not need.  This morning my stomach feels sour and is rumbling, trying to process this excess. I have several choices about what to do next. I can try and justify my slip and tell myself I am so much betterRead More →

God created people to fellowship with Him.  He created me with an empty space in my heart that only He can fill.  In vain, I have spent my life trying to stuff this space with food.  Even though I know food will not cure the problem, I continue overeating as a solution.  When I realize I have fallen, I am embarrassed because I chose food over God. After I slip and overeat, I want to hide from God as Adam and Eve did in Genesis 3:8.  Deep down, I know I have not fallen too far to never come back.  I also know I need toRead More →

I was once bound by the chains of food addiction.  Food was my stronghold, my source of comfort, and solution for my problems.   I called myself a Christian, but actually loved food more than God.  I loved food so much that it became my idol.  Since I ate more food than my body needed, I was overweight.  I tried diets, but was unable to permanently keep the weight off.  Even when dieting I overate, eating excess “healthy” foods like flavored rice cakes and baked chips. Food did not make me happy like I thought it would.  I was miserable and eventually cried out to God forRead More →