Little things add up and create stress.  Individually, these annoyances so minor that others don’t want to hear me whine. When I focus on one problem, I remember another issue. Once my brain gets on the negative side, focus on gloominess has me frantic and stressed. Stressed and negative thoughts keep me up at night. Both fatigue and stress are triggers for me to eat.  I know food does not take stress away or give me energy, but I run to it anyway. Instead of food, I need the living water that only Jesus can give me.  John 4:14 is, “But those who drink the waterRead More →

I am a better person with God in my life.  I have more patience and less negativity.  God has helped me not only with my food problem, but changed me from the inside. Days when I am tired and do not spend enough time in the Word are times I see some of my old nature surfacing.  I need to be careful and keep close to God.  John 15:4 is, “Remain in me and I will remain in you.  For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.” (Holy Bible, NewRead More →

Change is hard to do.  To stop being late, I force myself to plan ahead.  I even wake up earlier.  I have a better change of making this a permanent change if I decide I want to be on time.  If my attitude remains indifferent, I can try and try, but most likely, I will continue to run late. Only God can help me change. 1 Corinthians 15:57 is, “But thank God!  He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  God changes me from within.  He has given me victory from the sinRead More →

Eating less food and making better choices is becoming a habit. I am even starting to lose weight.  Then it hits:  I am exhausted and feel surrounded by stress.  I am on edge and want something ease my pain. Out of habit, I grab food to make it better. The difference is instead of blindly reaching for food, I now am aware of why I want to stuff my body with food.  One evening this past week, I was feeling stressed by uncertainty.  Needing make a decision, but not knowing all the details stressed me.  Instead of praying, I ate candy. After one bite, I caughtRead More →

This post serves as personal reminder for me to not give up, even when discouraged.  I am eating better than I had last month, even started started working out at the gym.  However, I am not seeing the results that I would like to see.  It seems that after both eating better and working out I would see the difference. Discouragement tempts me to overeat.  “If I am not losing weight, I might as well eat,” I think.  Galatians 6:9 is, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’tRead More →

This week I enjoyed ice cream.  I had a small bowl one evening and two small bowls the following day.  Something crazy happened; my ice cream craving was quenched.  I truly enjoyed my ice cream spurge.   I am satisfied because God fills my heart.  I no longer have an urge to overeat, continuing to eat after my stomach is bloated. Psalm 63:5 is, “You satisfy me more than the richest feast.  I will praise you with songs of joy.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007)  Only God can fully satisfy me.  He created me with a deep hole that can only be filled by God.Read More →

The old saying, “God does not give you more than you can handle” is not true.  The truth is God desires for me to depend 100% on Him.  It seems like the deeper I go with God, the more troubles I face.  Before I was a strong believer, many problems were caused by my actions.  Also, I created stress by imagining worse case “what if” scenarios that never came to pass.  Ever since I have started this blog, I have had what I think is more than my share of trials to overcome. Isaiah 43:2 is, “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.Read More →

Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer.  Summer means hot temperatures and no more hiding in layers of clothes.  This is the time that women cringe trying on shorts and summer tops from the back of their closet.   Almost one year after beginning this blog, I am not afraid to wear summer clothes. Yes, I would like to lose a few more pounds and I will not be squeezing this 50 year old body in a bikini.  This is not your normal weight loss blog, in that I do not post pictures of my “before” or “after”. However, I have lost enough weightRead More →

Today is Mother’s Day, the day to honor all moms for hard work and sacrifice.  Being a mom is the hardest job I have to ever done.  I have the responsibility to teach my children right from wrong.  Being a mother is preparing them to live in the world.  A big part of this is showing my family by example, how to follow God’s Word. There are other women in my path that have influenced me.  I thank God for the many godly woman who have inspired me over the years.  Happy Mother’s Day to all women who have made a difference in another person’sRead More →

I need to eat to survive.  However, excess food tempts me from every corner.  My busy life is full with spring sports and school events.  There are more evenings away from home, so we eat out.  Eating out usually means large portions of unhealthy food.  People bring deserts, donuts, or candy to share at work as a “good deed”. I think just need willpower to stay away from these temptations.  Early this week, I realized my eating had become sloppy.  I was eating beyond full and my stomach was bloated, to the point of discomfort.  It was a downward spiral I decided to stop.  IRead More →