I read my Bible regularly.  I also try and listen to what God says to me.  This brings me peace and shows me steps I need to take.  But, reading is not enough.  I must do what His Word says.  Instead, I sometimes choose to do the opposite.  I feel I should give a random stranger a word of encouragement, but don’t want to be embarrassed.  Other times, I get sucked into gossip or laugh when others are made fun of.  People who might never read a Bible see me as an example of Christ.  When I fail to convey Him with my actions, I fail.  I don’tRead More →

God’s will is occasionally crystal clear to me.  More often, I sit in uncertainly.  All my options can look the same.  Other times, I get overwhelmed weighing the positives and negatives of both possibilities.  I have been know to seek other’s opinions and sometimes base decisions on what another person thinks is best.  I get tempted to rush into selecting the choice that appears to be best. God has taught me to wait and pray for direction. Psalm 27:14 is, “Wait patiently for the Lord.  Be brave and courageous.  Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007).  When I am stuck withRead More →

Deep down, I am a rule follower. I try to do the right thing.  It bothers me when other people get away with disobedience.   Even when their actions don’t involve me, I plot ways to fix their wrongs.  This creates stress and stirs my emotions. The more I focus on injustice, the more upset I get.  Eventually, I reach for food to ease my emotions. Matthew 7:1 is, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  Only God knows our hearts and is qualified to judge us.  I have no business condemning others.   God is my defender and can fightRead More →

I try to cram as much living into my days as possible.  Like most people, I am busy with work and family responsibilities.  My favorite thing to do on a day off is rest.  By rest, I mean do nothing until I am bored.  Once I feel restless, I tackle my never-ending “to do” list.   Even though I take time off to recharge, I still feel tired alll the time. I find true rest with God.  Mathew 11:29 is, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”. (HolyRead More →

I have to depend fully on God.  When I take my eyes off Him, I lose my focus and slip. My heart naturally seeks God, but I try to fill it with worldly things.  This weakens me, so I drift away from God.  I end up bloated from eating too much again. Psalm 18:32-33 is, “God arms me with strength, and He makes my way perfect.  He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007). God gives me strength to do the impossible and step away from food.  He has changed my heart so IRead More →

I am reading the Easter story and meditating on what Jesus has saved me from.  He died to pay for my sins so I can live. Before, I felt guilty for my past mistakes.  This guilt beat me down.  I felt hopeless, like I was a failure that should give up. Luke 24:5-6 is, “…Jesus said, “It is finished.”  With that, he bowed and gave up his spirit.”  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  Jesus was the final sacrifice for all sin.  I live free from guilt because Jesus died for me.  His forgiveness wipes away my sin.  He gives me strength to clean up messes that my sin leftRead More →

I am currently reading the Easter story in my Bible.  I am touched by the fact that Jesus sacrificed His earthly life for me.  In the past, I have given up candy, cookies, or soda for Lent.  This token sacrifice has done little to bring me closer to God.  This year I am fasting from gossip.  It is much harder than not eating a food I know I can enjoy after Easter.  I have not been perfect, but have tried to be positive about others instead of tearing them down.  I know I do not want to start talking bad about others again. Gossip isRead More →

In the past, I would fast from one favorite food, like candy, or soda during the 40 days of Lent.  At first I was tempted to indulge in what I gave up.  I quickly found another “fix” to replace what I could no longer eat.  This “fasting” never brought me closer to God.  This time I will fast from gossip and negative talk.  James 3:5 is, “Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.  Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark”  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2001). Once word are spoken, I cannot takeRead More →

It is easy for me to run to God with big issues.  Financial woes and health concerns signal the need to reach for His help. Every time I call out in prayer, God comes through. Sometimes He answers my request and other times He strengthens me to survive a storm.  My faith and trust in God have grown through answered prayers.  There is no problem is too small and unimportant for God to handle. Isaiah 26:4 is, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  As longRead More →

My frustrations add up as I face constant stress. There never is enough time in the day to finish everything on my “to do” list.  I forget to thaw meat so I scramble to find ingredients to cook dinner.  My job and family responsibilities leave me little time to relax.  If I focus on the negatives in my life, I feel the world is against me.  My old escape, food, is around the corner tempting me to indulge.  Deep down, I know God is the answer instead of food. Philippians 4:19 is, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches ofRead More →