My current streak of eating “right” was over two months long.  I consistently stopped eating as soon as I felt satisfied.  I began to notice my weight loss and felt better.  This past week was stressful and crammed with work I had to finish.  During my quiet time, I tried to solve my problems instead of focusing on God.  I broke my “perfect streak”  by continuing to eat after I was full. In the past, I would have told myself I had not been “that bad”.   I would have continued eating until my clothes no longer fit.  Guilt would drag me down and convinceRead More →

During stressful times, I seek God for strength to function. He gives me strength to complete what I am unable to do on my own.  I normally walk away from a trial feeling closer to Him than before. When life gets busy, I spend less time with God.  If I am content with things, I forget to seek Him.  I no longer depend on Him for strength.  Instead of peace, I feel anxiety and dread. I can avoid the discomfort of slipping by continuing to depend on God. Philippians 4:19 is, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his gloryRead More →

 Life happens.  There are times I feel like everything goes wrong.  I run around in circles, trying to fix messes. I push myself past the point of exhaustion.  When I am unable to go any further, I crash. I realize how little I get done with my limited strength. Isaiah 40:29 is, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2001). God’s supernatural power helps me finish when I want to quit.  With God, I am able to accomplish more than I can on my own.  Together, God and I can face whatever life throws my way.Read More →

Once I start worrying, I can’t stop.  My mind easily runs to fear from peace.  I imagine the worst possible outcome will happen and believe I am doomed.  I waste time worrying and trying to fix things I can’t control.  My sleep suffers and I am unable to concentrate.  I feel out of control and want to stuff my anxieties with food. 1 Peter 5:7 is, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  God does not want me to worry. He desires I feel His peace.  I can experience this peace only by casting or givingRead More →

My fear of failure causes me to “self destruct”.  I procrastinate so I don’t have to worry about failing.  Finding excuses gives me courage to try again.  The smallest setback triggers me into giving up.  When I feel bloated,  I think I have gained at least 10 pounds and have failed again.  God is helping me face my fear.  I probably will not be completely fear free until I die and go to heaven. 2 Timothy 1:7 is, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007)  God does notRead More →

When I take my eyes off God, I move away from Him.  My focus shifts on “me”.  I wake up to my morning devotion, but spend the rest of the day chasing desires.  This makes me exhausted without getting much done.   I forgot He can help me accomplish more than I can on my own. Philippians 4:14 is, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  God gives me strength complete my daily tasks.  He help me balance my life between work and play.  I sometimes stubbornly refuse to ask Him for help because I amRead More →

I am not perfect and know I will make mistakes.  I feel shame and embarrassment for my past mishaps.  Whether I said something I should have not, or ate dessert after I was full, I had failed again.  I felt worthless and believed I was a failure who would never experience success.  I thought these guilty, low feelings would motivate me to try harder next time, but it made me feel worse.  No matter how hard I tried, I continued to occasionally fail and felt worse about myself every time. Psalm 103:4 is, “who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.”  (HolyRead More →

After suffering from slow and unreliable online service for years, we finally jumped into the fast lane of high speed internet.  Naturally, I have been exploring entertaining sites and actually doing work at home. Unfortunately, I have discovered the addictive nature of binge watching TV shows.  I must watch another episode to see what happens next.  Watching TV helps me unwind when I am exhausted from doing too much.  I know there is a time to relax and be entertained, but I was getting bored after watching several episodes from a series.  This boredom is a sign I need to get off the couch and do somethingRead More →

I don’t always know the best thing to do.  Pressure urges me to make a quick decision.  I know I should wait instead of continuing to hash through all my bad options.  In His time, God will provide me with either a better alternative or wisdom that makes one option the right one.   I want to know how to fix this mess I find myself in right now. Psalm 62:5 is, “Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007).  The hardest part of waiting is surrendering control of the situation.  I want toRead More →

I hate losing arguments.  I like being right and want others to agree with me.  As I got older, I realized I am sometimes wrong.  It no longer offends me when others don’t like my suggestions.  I have matured, but I still like getting my way. Luke 9:23 is, “Then he said to the crowd, ‘If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.’”  (Holy Bible New Living Translation, 2007, emphasis added).  God is the only one who is right all the time.  It is foolish for me to think I haveRead More →