I had a fairly good week staying on track. I did lean on God and worked to keep my connection with Him strong.  I caught myself about to eat when I was stressed and prayed instead.  God’s ways work to keep me from slipping. 2 Corinthians 10:4 is, “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  The world tells me to resist temptation by staying away from it.  Other experts tell me to post pictures of me at my goal weight for motivation.  These worldlyRead More →

If worrying was an Olympic event, I would win gold.  Sometimes I concentrate on problems and plan “what if” situations that result in the worst possible ending.  I know that worry never solves the real issue. In my mind,  I am working to solve a problem, but in reality, I waste time when I worry. Philippians 4:6 is, “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007). God commands me to pray instead of worrying. When I worry, I focus on the problem. I accomplish nothing. Many times,Read More →

Temptations creep into the corners of my life.  When I am closer to God, these attractions have little appeal for me. Busyness, fatigue, and stress, weaken me. I give in to temptation, “just this once”. When I give in once, it is harder to resist and easier to fall the next time.  After failing so many times, it is difficult to find restraint for the next temptation. I lose motivation and want to give up.  I get discouraged, and stop losing weight.  My clothes start to get tight. To get out of this rut, I must seek God. Hebrews 12:1-2 is, “…let us run with endurance theRead More →

This past week was crammed full of frantic activity.  I use summertime to catch up on tasks neglected during the school year.   In the midst of this hustle and bustle, something crazy happened.  I ate only food my body needed.  Last night, I even turned down dessert because I was full from dinner.  I realized that after consciously trying to eat less and make healthier choices, that eating right is becoming a habit. This is not the normal diet blog; I depend on God to help me make healthier choices.  I understand God will not completely take away my desire to overeat.  When I rely onRead More →

“I am stressed and need sugar,” and “I did a good job so I deserve a treat” are lies I used to believe.  I loved eating so much that I looked for excuses to indulge.  Other times if food was available, I ate because the food was too tempting to pass up.  Old habits and patterns can be changed with God’s help.  It has been a process to leave these habits and lies behind. 2 Corinthians 10:4 is, “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996,Read More →

Last week was cram packed with stress.  I spent my time running in circles, on fumes, trying to accomplish things that should have been done weeks ago. There was not one trigger; just overall exhaustion and stress. As a result, I ate too much. It started with one meal where I continued to eat, even after I was full.  This began my downward spiral.  I ate more than I should have for several days. During my Bible reading on Friday, I realized I was slipping and prayed to God to help me.  I did great during the day, but came home and started snacking. I quitRead More →

I once turned to food to guide me through tough times.  I would also have a “why me” attitude when faced with one battle after another.  Why was I always facing distress and problems?  First, it was the air conditioner in the car.  Next, it was the washing machine, then the dryer, and finally the refrigerator.  During each trial, I had to trust in God to guide me through the messyness and inconvenience. James 1:2 is, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  It is hard to findRead More →

All my life, I searched for something to fill the emptiness inside me.  Food has been my favorite thing to stuff this hole with.  I thought food would block pain, hide feelings of inadequacy, and soothe stress.  Food never took away these feelings or cured stress.  Instead, overeating left me with a stuffed stomach and excess weight. Psalm 103:5 is “Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (The Holy Bible, New King James Version, 1982).   God created me with emptiness that only He can fill.  I believe this is why food never satisfied me.  Now that I haveRead More →

I occasionally have a desire to stuff food down my throat as fast as I can. I am not eating because of hunger.  Stuffing food into my body never satisfies me.  My body does not need this food, but I have a spiritual need only God can fill.  I avoid overindulgence by turning to God to meet this need.  During the times I have given in to this urge, I do not enjoy the food I gorge on.  I use food to meet a need only God can fill.  Since food never fills this craving, I continue to overeat. Only God can satisfy these deep spiritualRead More →

For many years, I turned to food to help me with problems and celebrate good times. I now realize how deeply ingrained my food habit is. I occasionally forget that God is my answer instead of food. For a long time, I excused minor slips. I believed since I was “good” most of the time, it was okay to sometimes rely on food instead of God. These excuses kept me from believing that God can help me eat only what my body needs at all times. I must believe that He can keep me from eating excess food. As long as I think I am powerless toRead More →