Can’t Keep me Down

Can’t Keep me Down

Distractions ruin my good intentions. Last summer, God nudged me to pick up my manuscript and complete it. He was guiding me through the final edit. I got busy during the fall and took a break. It has sat untouched for all these months. Minor illnesses mess up my eating goals. This past week, I was sick and my stomach hurt. When I feel bad, I am tempted to snack all day. When I eat too much, I feel like giving up on my goals.

1 John 4:4 is, “But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit of the world.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2015). I have the power of Jesus guiding me when I want to give up. When I slip and fall off track, God holds me up to keep me going. He is greater than any force that tries to kick me down. I know God wants me to only eat what my body needs. He also has plans for me to share my experience with others. This means I need to press on with finishing my book and keeping up with this blog. I trust that God will guide me to carry out His plan as I walk next to Him.

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