Beating Opposition

Beating Opposition

Sometimes I feel as if the world is against me and my struggle to eat just what my body needs.  I am stressed, so my natural response is to grab food.  Someone brings cookies to share at lunch or donuts to enjoy in the morning.  My busy schedule makes it hard to plan healthy meals.  When I am down, I feel like giving up.

Food was once my answer to every problem.  I am on a journey of replacing this reliance on food to dependence on God alone. I realize there is an enemy likes my dependence on food. Food prevents me from reaching out to God in times of stress.  This kept me from growing closer to God and learning to completely depend on Him.  This enemy does use any opposition to distract me from God.  Psalm 91:2-3 is, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in whom I trust. Surely he will save you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.” (The Holy Bible, New King James Version, 1982).  In bible times, a fowler was the occupation of catching birds.  These fowlers used snares and trickery to capture birds.  I place my trust in God and fully depend on God for success. This protects me from getting tricked into overeating.  Every time I depend on God instead of food, my faith grows.

For success from overeating, I have to believe that God can help me in every situation.  When I depend on Him, He reminds me I am full and don’t need that donut begging to be eaten.  Even if I am tired,   I depend on Him for strength to handle whatever is in front of me. This has been my key to eating less; depend on God to cope with stress and then I am free to enjoy food when I am hungry.

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