Be Transformed – Eat Right

Be Transformed – Eat Right

God has delivered me from overeating and excessive food thoughts.  In the past, I overate to fill emptiness inside my heart.  No matter how much food I ate, I was never satisfied.   Before, my brain was always focused on food.  I either dreamed about food I wanted to eat or worried about following a food plan to lose weight.  I was always on a diet since my body weight has ranged from slightly overweight to obese for most of my life.


It took me many years to reach the point where I was willing to depend on God as the solution to my weight and food problems.  Initially, I did not realize that my constant thinking about food was to blame.  God showed me that by dreaming about food, I was hanging around temptation.  James 1:13 is, “God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007)   This is like reading books full of sexual scenes and then asking God to keep lustful temptations away.  As I learned to focus my mind and thoughts on God, the excessive food thoughts disappeared.   God transforms my mind as I focus on Him.  The excessive pounds are going away, never to return again.

I started by reading my bible and praying more, slowly developing a life changing dependence on Him.  I began to dive into God’s word like never before.  As I read and studied passages like Ephesians 3:18, I realized how “…wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” (New International Version (NIV), 2011)   The food that I desired and sought could never love me back like God.

God has delivered me from food obsession.  I am not perfect nor have I reached goal weight yet.  God has inspired me to share my experiences in this blog.  I will tell how God has helped me in hope that others can find freedom from food.  Without following a specific diet, I am eating “right”with God’s help.  Best of all, He has transformed my thinking about food.  I am free from the bondage of food and depend fully on God for strength and comfort.

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